Jars of treats and comfy seats at the Screen Cinema in Winchester

Winchester’s Screen Cinema is an absolute gem and everything a proper local cinema ought to be. Housed in a former barracks chapel, it has big, comfy chairs and glass jars full of tempting homemade-style treats. There’s also a well-stocked bar, and lovely terrace where, if the weather permits, you can enjoy a drink before the film. Best of all, you are allowed to take your wine into the film with you – bliss!
There’s always a good mix of mainstream, foreign and independent films to choose from, and they host regular special screenings and film clubs. When I took my little girl to see ‘Tangled’, Peter booked over the phone and had the ticket information sent to my mobile which was fantastically convenient. You can probably do that at any cinema though, I may well be horribly behind the times!
For me, what makes this little cinema so special is the fact there’s an ice cream lady who wanders up and down the aisle with her tray of tubs before the film starts, and afterwards it’s always nice to make a night of it and head just across the road to the fab Green Man pub for a drink or lovely supper.
Image courtesy of angel_ite on Flickr